2009年12月12日 星期六

[改歌]Don't Be Angry

星期五晚上Gun 'N Roses在台北開唱,雖然遲了70分鐘,但是看槍友的評價很棒,雖然沒了Slash等人,但是新槍樂手彈得也很讚,天空還下了12月雨,雖然有討厭的外國人鬧事,好在就只有被安全人員拖出去,Axl Rose大叔變得慈眉善目,一點也沒有發飆,沒有"STOP",聽說一切都很美好,但是....小弟沒有去,嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚.....

只好在家自high,根據在PTT GunsNRoses版的網友體驗,用《Don't Cry》做改歌,改成《Don't Be Angry》,自high一下,希望Axl叔可以再來台灣XD

Don't be angry

Composer:Gun 'N Roses
lyrics:Rewrite By MGdesigner

Sing to us softly
There's something in your eyes
Still some assholes come
please don't be angry
I know how you feel inside I've
I've waited you so long
Somethin' is changin' inside you
And we all know

Don't be angry tonight. We are nice children , uncle
Although some drunk assholes
Don't be don't be angry tonight even still some fuckin' assholes
We beg you don't be angry tonight

I gotta long train
to watch your show
But I wait you so long
Don't you know?
See you on this stage
Am I still in a dream?
Until it falls rain
And the show we love... uncle Rose

We all we all cry tonight
We all cry tonight
We all cry tonight there's a heaven above you Uncle
And we all cry tonight

And please remember
That we so nice
And please remember
How We felt inside now Uncle
You always make it your own way
But you'll be alright forever
Fans in Taiwan always support you
It falls December rain!

And we all cry tonight
And we all cry tonight
And we all cry tonight there's a heaven above you Uncle
And we all cry
Even heaven crys
And we all cry tonight
Uncle Come back someday
we all cry
we never cry like this day
We all cry tonight

